What Is The Biohacking Health Trend All About?

Dominus Owen Markham
8 min readMay 20, 2024

Have You Even Heard Of It?

Now, I am writing this, having looked into the subject of Biohacking, as to be honest with you…I had never heard of it until today!

I happened across the term whilst indulging in some mindless YouTube scrolling…apparently, it’s a trending “thing”!?

So, my research (hindered somewhat by the clunkiness of Google these days, is as follows…I hope you find it of interest.

Understanding the Concept of Biohacking

At its core, biohacking is all about optimizing human performance, health, and wellbeing by leveraging science, technology, and a deep understanding of human physiology and nutrition. Like its name suggests, biohacking involves ‘hacking’ or tweaking one’s biology to achieve desired results. It’s about taking control of your body, your wellbeing, and your life.

On one hand, biohacking can as simple as adjusting your diet or tweaking your sleep routine for maximum efficiency. But on the other hand, it can also involve more complex approaches such as genetic engineering or implanting medical devices. Regardless of the method, the goal remains the same — enhancing and optimizing the human body and mind. It’s like fine-tuning a machine, only this time the machine is your body.

