Straight In With A Right Hook
Dont Let Your Prospects Leave The Ring
No matter whether you are trying to bring a viewer’s attention to a product or service, you need to get straight in with a right hook.
You need to work a burst of punches right at the outset to soften your prospect.
Fail to get those initial jabs in, your potential client will leave the ring.
In marketing, an activity we all do whether we realise it or not, attention-grabbing is the game. If you don't work at your crafting of content that slaps people in the face, you are the one that will be "out in the first".
Whatever you do, do not reach for the ropes and use a safe well-worn strategy.
Your headline, title or opening graphic or video has to draw them closer to your punches… don't be dancing around the ring in the early stages, give a swift one-two across the chops then mesmerise them with your special abilities (the product or service that will ease their pain).
That is all marketing and sales are about, sifting a specific audience with a niche-orientated problem they want rid of and solving their dilemmas.
Trying to overuse clever or overly fancy words or deep-thinking media that will just leave them dazed is not the best tactic.
Be punchy, be clear about what you are able to do for your potential client, as early as possible, soften them up with golden nuggets of wisdom, then use that right hook.
Don't pull any punches, you’re the one holding the solution they need.
Right, the gloves are off… Over to you.
Dominus Owen Markham