Online Business In A Cave…

A Caveman Tells His Story

Dominus Owen Markham
3 min readAug 3, 2023


The day starts, somewhere between 0530 and 0600, not because I am keen and focused on some fascinating project…the chickens are clucking and the goats are bleating for their breakfast.

At this time of year, currently August, the mornings are refreshingly cool, a precursor to the daily blaze of between 45c and 50c, I joke not.

Living in rural Spain, is a wonderful thing, the views across the valley, the somewhat old school way of life still centring around the small rustic town, some 12km from us. There were certainly enough amenities in the town to get us through the COVID times, of that we are ever grateful as lockdown in Spain was a little stricter than some other places, I know.

And so, to work, checking the internet is still connected…yes, living in this idyllic location and a cave for a home, does have some drawbacks, especially where online working is concerned.

Our system is a WiMax Antenna, if that means anything to anyone, we only have one viable supplier in the area and their technical bandwidth is 30Mb down, 3Mb up…I am laughing as I write this, 70% of the time we are lucky to get 7 or 8Mb down and 1Mb up. Plus outages are common, and I don't mean just a quick glitch, I mean hours even days.

