Have A Word With Yourself About AI
A Conversation YOU Must Have With…YOU
Just to clarify “Have A Word With Yourself” is generally held to mean “remind yourself, have an inner discussion about your actions.
The highlight of current times, Artificial Intelligence, seems to brush aside the misfortunes of humanity and the mess that we all find ourselves in, but AI is, indeed an interesting subject for those of us that choose the written word as our careers or even those that just like to write as a side hustle or hobby.
At the outset, I will admit, I have had the odd delve into the realms of ChatGPT and such like, wondering how AI will replace the placing of meaningful words into the public domain.
Yes, I was a little concerned, that my scribbles would become redundant, but it didn't take long for me to realise the extent of the AI’s abilities.
As a writer and content creator I often set out with the seed of an idea as to what I want to “put out there”…sometimes the base idea of the content comes before the title and sometimes neither sparks my creativity.
Now besides the base ideas, we, as writers, often draw on personal experience and emotions as well as spend time clarifying facts with many hours of research. Again this is all part of the creative process and things that I enjoy about the craft.
I wrote an article recently pointing to the Human/AI situation now it is upon us and growing daily it would seem:
And the more I hear about AI, the more I view it as a useful tool and not the enemy of creators, whether in the written word or media creation. Its a little like the advent of calculators. Back in the day we used to have to put pencil to paper and work out our mathematics in long form…calculators took the angst away, but you still generally have to know the correct “prompts” in order to get a useful answer.
The home PC and office PC didn't, as far as I remember, create a wave of anxiety about the future but, in fact, quite the reverse. People embraced the technology knowing it would reduce their work load, allow them to extend their creativity and abilities.
People are of course concerned about technology robbing them of jobs…that I understand, of course. However, this has been coming for a long time…I know because I have lived a pretty long time and remember when a social science lecturer stated that the new technology would change the way we work and live….for reference that was 1973 and he felt it would happen in about 10 or 15 years.
So, us humans are slow on the up take, but we’re moving on, not quite in the era of personal “Jetson” transport (though this type of transport is in production and whilst out of the price range of most of us mere mortals, proves the concept).
Going back to where I think we are right now…yet another turning point, which we will have to grasp and work out how best we can harness the latest and indeed future technological advancements.
Whether it is ChatGPT, Bard, Magi or any other tech, at this point anyways, none of them can speak/create from experience. Feed them data and they can make sense of it and regurgitate it in a useful form, help spark ideas from a trillion title permutations, collate data and now they are getting close to a full connection with the internet, their research capabilities will be awesome….time saving…but without that human touch, human experience or human belief systems.
So “Have A Word With Yourself” about how best you can PIVOT and harness the tech, it may be dramatically life changing but humans are extremely good at adapting…its a survival thing.
Until the next human ramblings
Dominus Owen Markham