Yellow Handbags? A Magnum?The social side of life in the Forces was an ongoing theme, if you weren’t working a shift, you were planning a gathering.2d ago2d ago
Flights and TerrorThe Gulf War involved many aircraft, equipment, and personnel movements. Our role in P&SS (Provost & Security Services) was to support many…2d ago2d ago
Machines at the Gate: The Threat of Digital Workers on Career SecurityWe are living in an Age which is rapidly embracing automation and artificial intelligence, a palpable anxiety hangs in the air. Workers…Nov 18Nov 18
Another Brick In The Wall…Well…No!I am just musing over a key time in Germany, 35 years ago this month, when the Berlin Wall came down. Whilst I wasn’t actually in Berlin at…Nov 13Nov 13
Customs and POETS dayArriving at RAF Gutersloh was interesting, not my first trip there…I was just 3 months of age and my Father (and our family) were posted to…Nov 12Nov 12
Digital Nomadism: Embracing Freedom and Navigating the ChallengesDigital nomadism has become a captivating lifestyle for many as technology and remote work blend seamlessly into the fabric of everyday…Nov 12Nov 12
The Authenticity Revolution — Back to Digital RootsThere’s a palpable dissatisfaction with the current state of the web. While generative AI often captures the spotlight, the roots of this…Nov 4Nov 4
🎶Mull of Kintyre, Oh, mist rolling in from the sea 🎶Leaving RAF Newton behind for two weeks, we headed off to Scotland to play “war games”. Our destination was RAF Machrihanish near…Oct 26Oct 26